24 Story Building Envelope Restoration

Project Highlights

  • Completely stopped all water intrusion through numerous cracks in exterior panels
  • Applied lightweight high strength carbon fiber to entire exterior to reinforce concrete panels
  • Upgraded all unit windows and repaired entire roof system
  • Completed with minimal disruption to tenants
  • Significant financial savings compared to traditional options


Unban 24 story assisted care residence, GFRC exterior panels and roof system cracking and leaking.

GFRC panel systems built with large spans and rigid anchoring systems cracked due to expansion, building loads and wind loads.

The roof system also experienced cracking and leaking into interior structure. Interior water damage from both the roof and exterior panels impacted tenants livability.


Install CFRP (carbon fiber) system to strengthen GFRC panels to meet span and load structural requirements. Replace roof system.


All panels wrapped with carbon fiber, repaired cracks, and sealed envelope from future leaks. Properly installed roof system. The benefits included:

  • Our engineering team designed the CFRP system and corrected design of anchoring systems.
  • Minimal disruption to building tenants.
  • Building envelope integrity restored.
  • Final system painted for esthetics.
  • Cost effective – saved over 60% compared to traditional options.